Curtin University has deployed an ion microprobe – one of only five in the world – in a key milestone for its $10.7 million research program to uncover the evolutionary history of Australia’s key mineral deposits.
The Southern Hemisphere’s first CAMECA 1300 HR3 ion microprobe was launched on Friday 14 October at Curtin University’s new National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy facility in Western Australia.
The probe will also support scientists working with the Australian Space Agency to analyse meteorites discovered in the Australian outback and asteroid fragments recovered during international deep space missions.
The new addition will replace Curtin’s 27-year-old ion microprobe that played an important role in discovering some of the oldest minerals on the Earth, Moon and Mars.
In attendance during the launch was Western Australia’s Minister for Mines and Petroleum, Bill Johnston, who said the program would underpin future success in minerals exploration and development in the state.
“It’s particularly pleasing to know the research here will help underpin the future success of resource exploration and development in Western Australia,” Mr Johnston said.
“Continuing to grow our mineral and petroleum industries is vital to supporting our communities, creating jobs and transitioning to a low carbon future.”
The State Government has invested $3.2 million towards the $10.7 million research project, and has supported the appointment of Professor Axel Schmitt, a world-renowned expert in isotope geochemistry to lead the new National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy.
“The McGowan Government’s close relationship with Curtin University enters an exciting phase with the launch of Australia’s first geoscience ion microprobe facility,” Mr Johnston said.
“Our resources industry is already a world-leader in technology and research; having access to the ion microprobe will provide the state with a unique technological advantage to discover the next generation of resources.”