Recent field work at Platina Resources’ Hermes prospect at the Xanadu Project in Western Australia has uncovered a 1km gold mineralised corridor, which the company intends to begin drilling in late 2023.
Hermes is located 8.5km southeast along strike of the same structure and lithology as Kalamazoo Resources’ Mt Olympus deposit and Zeus deposit.
The orientation of the mineralisation was revealed to be parallel to the west-north-west trending Howie’s Hole fault, located 500m to the north, which runs in the vicinity of the Mt Olympus and Zeus gold deposits.
The mineralised zones were mapped to be closely associated with conglomerate lenses which correlate with the Mt Olympus deposit style of mineralisation.
Field geological mapping, rock chip and channel sampling were conducted at Hermes in June, after rock chip sampling in January returned individual rock chip sample values up to 0.82g/t Au.
A total of 34 rock chips and 13 channel rock samples from three lines were taken over a strike length of 1km and a width of 650m.
Multiple rock chips returned anomalous results with the highest assay of 4.22 g/t Au and seven greater than 0.5 g/t Au.
Platina Managing Director, Corey Nolan, said Hermes was shaping up to be a major prospect, with the main structure still open in both directions along strike.
“Our team is very excited to start drilling Hermes later this year post the completion of a second stage heritage survey,” Mr Nolan said.
“Identification of mineralisation in close proximity to the mantle tapping Nanjilgardy fault, Howies Hole fault, strong multi-element values and the presence of conglomerates similar to the Mt Olympus style indicate Hermes’ high prospectivity.”