Mine worker holding safety helmet with haul tuck in background. Image: King Ropes Access/shutterstock.com

A new comprehensive compliance campaign by the New South Wales Resources Regulator is aiming to boost mine safety and rehabilitation across the state. 

The Regulator sets out its key priorities and proactive assessment programs every six months to ensure inspectors and industry work collaboratively and to ensure a safe and sustainable mining, extractive and petroleum industry in New South Wales. 

The campaign has outlined compliance priorities for July to December, including: 

  • Risk management and supervision in open-cut coal mines 
  • Airborne contaminants in metalliferous mines 
  • Mobile plant work platform attachments 
  • Safety management systems for Tier 2 quarries 
  • Revegetation, surface and groundwater management, and tailings dam management 
  • Compliance with exploration licence conditions, including community consultation and rehabilitation sign-off 

The latest State Budget includes $13.6 million over four years for mine rehabilitation. This includes additional dedicated regulatory resources to oversee mine rehabilitation and ensure compliance, additional investigators to investigate alleged breaches of the Mining Act and the establishment of a mine closure team who will work with industry to ensure future economic opportunities are maximised for closed mines. 

Featured image: King Ropes Access/shutterstock.com 


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