Tweezers holding opal in front of black background. Image: Finesell/ 

The final report of the independent review into the Statutory Framework for Small-Scale Titles for Opal Mining includes 81 recommendations to bolster the state’s opal mining industry’s overall efficacy and sustainability. 

New South Wales Minister for Natural Resources, Courtney Houssos, commissioned the Independent Review following a departmental review of administrative processes. The departmental review uncovered 3,343 minerals claims in Lightning Ridge and White Cliffs impacted by invalid decisions. 

Former Land and Environment Court Judge and New South Wales Attorney General Terry Sheahan AO undertook the review with the support of the law firm Norton Rose Fulbright Australia.  

The Independent Review analysed the statutory framework of small-scale opals titles and issues such as land access and landholder compensation and listened to stakeholder views to form its recommendations. In addition to stakeholder meetings, Mr Sheahan considered 369 written submissions. 

The report covers a range of topics crucial to the industry’s operation, including: 

  • Balancing stakeholder rights and responsibilities 
  • Improving rehabilitation and environmental outcomes 
  • Updating cost and compensation structures 
  • Improving understanding and usability of the legislative framework 
  • Modernising the administration of titles 

The State Government will carefully consider the independent review’s recommendations and will publish its response before the end of the 2024. 

Ms Houssos will convene a small working group comprising key stakeholders to inform that response. A staged approach to implementation will be required, with many of the recommendations requiring further consultation with stakeholders and legislative change. 

Ms Houssos said the New South Wales Government will consider the recommendations and develop a government response later in 2024. 

“We understand how important opal mining is to the Lightning Ridge and White Cliffs communities. That’s why we first announced the independent review into this legacy issue we inherited. 

“The New South Wales Government is committed to consulting with miners, landholders, Aboriginal representatives and local communities as we develop a response to the independent review.” 

The State Government’s envoy for opal mining, Stephen Lawrence, said the working group will allow the New South Wales Government to address the report and its 81 recommendations in the best possible way.  

“Working with the opal mining communities of Lightning Ridge and White Cliffs, as well as other stakeholders, is vital to ensuring the New South Wales Government can implement meaningful change for the industry.” 

Independent reviewer Terry Sheahan said, “The review received 369 submissions on the issues paper into the Statutory Framework for Small-Scale Titles in New South Wales. These submissions, as well as to face engagement with key stakeholders, have greatly assisted the independent review in considering how to address rehabilitation, land use conflict, current administrative processes and the need to modernise the current framework. 

“The independent review has provided a range of recommendations that aim to establish a better regulatory framework that supports the future of the opal mining industry while addressing certain issues raised by stakeholders.” 

Featured image: Finesell/ 


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