Hidrive, borne out of former Western Australian business, Bosston Auto Bodies, has been servicing Australian industries for over 30 years.
Through its nationwide installation network, Hidrive designs, builds and installs fit-for-purpose aluminium canopies for trades and industry.
With more than 190 modular and electrical accessories on offer, Hidrive is on a mission to turn the mining industry’s service bodies into truly mobile workspaces.
Whether it’s shelving, benches, roof storage and drawers, towbars, inverters or lighting, Hidrive is determined to ensure every customer gets the most out of their fleet.
“Built like an aircraft fuselage, our light and durable aluminium canopies are engineered to maximise payload and stability, improve fuel efficiency and be resistant to corrosion, UV damage and vibration,” Hidrive said.
“Through 30 years of continuous improvement, our service bodies have evolved into the high-performance range you see today.”
So what sets Hidrive apart?
Safety and compliance
Hidrive’s canopies are Australian Design Rules (ADR) compliant and certified to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 – the highest standards in quality, environmental and safety management, respectively.
When it comes to safety, Hidrive aims to go above and beyond simply ticking boxes. The company actively works with site safety and compliance teams to ensure its canopies are delivering exactly what the fleet requires; not only to ensure the job gets done but to protect workers on site.
With a national compliance mandate for fleet-wide consistency in safety and quality, Hidrive is helping miners meet the highest standards through its national network of installation centres.
Miners can rest assured their fleet is secure, compliant and consistent whether they drive a ute in Queensland or a truck in WA.
Built for functionality
It’s not just those looking out for fleet safety and quality that see the benefits of Hidrive canopies. Everyday users get to experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing they have the tools and protection they need to work with ease.
Hidrive service bodies are a fit-for-purpose solution that helps workers make sure they’re getting the most out of their set-up to get the job done safely and efficiently.
The canopies are modular and flexible, featuring strong, durable alloy frames that pack the punch of being high strength and light, able to make it out to even the most remote mine sites while maximising available payload for tools and stock.
With its extensive offering, Hidrive has a plethora of designs ready to go no matter the requirements of the job.
Additionally, when it comes time for servicing, all Hidrive canopies have unique serial numbers that track service history and specifications.
By working hand in glove with its customers, Hidrive takes the time to understand their specific needs, enabling them to develop configurations that meet any requirement.
This flexibility has helped the company establish itself as a one-stop shop for fleet managers, miners and trade businesses alike looking for fit-for-purpose, durable service body solutions that deliver on quality and functionality.
Contact Hidrive on 1300 368 161 or visit hidrive.com.au/mining to learn more.