The South Australian Government has awarded $3.26 million worth of grants to 17 mineral exploration projects for key commodities.
A series of South Australian mineral exploration projects will be fast-tracked using innovative technologies and techniques as part of the co-funded Accelerated Discovery Initiative (ADI).
The 2021 Fraser Institute report, which comprised assessment of more than 240 jurisdictions, put South Australia in the top ten for mining exploration and drilling due to its modern policy settings and ease to do business.
This round of co-financing for mineral exploration activities attracts exploration investment, seeking to bring forward new mineral resource discoveries, and creates jobs.
Industry participants funded under the latest round of the ADI will conduct exploration into the following key commodities:
- EnviroCopper will explore copper
- Havilah Resources will explore iron-sulphide copper gold (ISCG), platinum group elements and rare earth elements (REE)
- IGO will explore sediment-hosted copper
- Inception Consulting Engineers will explore uranium
- Indiana Resources will explore zinc and nickel
- Lady Alice Mines will explore gold
- OneSteel Manufacturing will explore iron ore
- OZ Minerals will explore iron oxide copper gold (IOCG)
- Petratherm will explore Broken Hill style and iron-sulphide copper gold (ISCG)
- Petratherm will explore iron oxide copper gold (IOCG)
- Roma Resources SA will explore gold
- Seasaw Resources will explore copper, gold, REE, lead and zinc
- Strikeline Resources will explore REE and copper
- Woomera Mining will explore nickel and copper
Data uncovered through these projects will be published on publicly available databases to be mined for future exploration and mining projects.