Pilbara Ports Authority has released the shipping figures for August of 2023, which indicate that the region delivered a total monthly throughput of 62.8Mt, consistent with the August 2022 throughput.
The Port of Port Hedland achieved a monthly throughput of 48.6Mt, of which 47.8Mt was iron ore exports. This was a four per cent increase to total throughput compared to August 2022.
Imports through the Port of Port Hedland totalled 172,000t, a decrease of 17 per cent compared to August 2022, and this was attributed to longer than anticipated biosecurity clearance processes.
The Port of Dampier delivered a total throughput of 13.4Mt, an 11 per cent decrease from August 2022.
Several factors influence the fluctuation of throughput, including changes in market conditions, port maintenance operations and proponent needs.
Imports through the Port of Dampier totalled 77,000t, an increase of five per cent from August 2022.
Total throughput across all ports since 1 July 2023 is 122.5Mt.